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CORE Leadership is committed to building an inclusive, anti-racist business. We are a team of heart centered entrepreneurs who stand for non-judgment & love. We believe & teach that all people are capable of achieving whatever they desire when they embrace personal responsibility & continuous growth.

Copyright 2022 All right reserved

  Waking up to a schedule full of client calls (none of whom you needed to have a sales call with).
  Tapping into your bank account app to check your credit card balance and seeing a big fat $0 owed.
  Witnessing a client breakthrough while experiencing your own transformations and personal development.
  Paying off your mortgage, funding your retirement, and filling your kid’s college fund. 
  AND still having enough money left over to take that destination vacation you’ve always dreamed of!
    Waking up to a schedule full of client calls (none of whom you needed to have a sales call with).
    Tapping into your bank account app to check your credit card balance and seeing a big fat $0 owed.
    Witnessing a client breakthrough while experiencing your own transformations and personal development.
    Paying off your mortgage, funding your retirement, and filling your kid’s college fund. 
    AND still having enough money left over to take that destination vacation you’ve always dreamed of!
Aligning your strategies with your soul purpose & stepping into your power is right in front of you  with our signature

4-Part Find Your Flow™ Framework

Part #1: Aligned Approaches 

First, we align every single strategy and approach you’ll be implementing in your coaching business with the these keys to soulful sustainability:
  •    Your vision & values
  •    ​Your soul’s mission
  •    ​Your dream client’s deepest desires
  •    ​​Your messaging & marketing strategy
This approach ensures not only that you’ll build a profitable and sustainable business but one that energizes and empowers you (so no burnout!).

Part #2: Flexible Focus

As a creative entrepreneur, you crave flexibility but you’ll thrive with structure.


That’s why I created the Flexible Focus Approach—a proven system for prioritizing client attraction activities and avoiding distraction each and every day.

It’s just enough structure to keep you on track and accountability daily without feeling boxed in and constrained.

Part #3: Intuitive Action

Staying tuned in to your own divine wisdom and leveraging your intuition is what will allow you to generate results while enjoying this journey as a coach and entrepreneur.


In Find Your Flow™, we intentionally focus on pairing intuition with strategy so you can be and feel confident that your offers will have the lasting impact you and your clients desire.

Part #4: Smart Scaling

Because Find Your Flow™ is a program rooted in alignment and sustainability, our unique approach toward scaling is designed to help you create a business you can rely on. That’s why we focus on building a strong foundation first.

We start by optimizing your one-on-one coaching services for fast revenue generation. Meanwhile, you’ll be developing your unique methodology and curriculum for your group coaching program so when you’re prepared to launch, you can do so in a state of flow.

Meet Your Heart-Centered Business Coach & Evolution Mentor

Meet Your Heart-Centered Business Coach & Evolution Mentor

I'm Carrie LaDue - Executive Leader turned Business Coach & Energy Worker, and the Creator of Find Your Flow

When I look at my business today, the programs I’ve created, and the lives I’ve impacted, I feel fulfilled.

But it wasn’t always this way.

For the first two years after I left my nonprofit leadership role, I chased silver bullet strategies. With fingers crossed, I spent tens of thousands of dollars on gimmicky programs like “how to create a webinar,” or “how to create a signature course,” thinking each time, this was going to be what would prompt my business to take off.

I was wrong.

Unknowingly—and what none of the gurus or coaches I had dished out my savings to had ever told me—I was missing the three absolutely critical elements to running a successful business that I could sustain and scale:

        A strong foundation with an irresistible offer or product suite

       A compelling and unique message 

       A genuine connection to my heart 

Only after incorporating these three elements was I able to build a thriving six-figure coaching and healing business that I felt GOOD about.

I discovered that, once I started trusting my own intuition and making choices that aligned with what my heart wanted to create most, the rest came naturally. The key was to simply align my actions with my values, actively work to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors, and implement timeless, common-sense business building and scaling strategies.​

Now, it’s my mission to share and support you through that same approach.

It's time for the goddess to be unleashed!

What other women have asked before accelerating their success & multiplying their profits in Find Your Flow™
Will this work for me?
I know it can be hard to believe in yourself, especially if you’ve struggled in the past or taken other programs and not gotten the results you hoped for. I also know why people struggle in other programs, and have designed this program as the antidote. Many of our clients have been in the same situation and say they wish they had found us sooner because Find Your Flow is the thing that finally makes it all “click.”


Or maybe you’re just brand new to business and struggling to believe in yourself overall. That’s okay! It’s why we hire and train the very best coaches out there to help you move through those feelings that come up about ready/good enough/worthiness.

What if I don't know what type of clients I want yet?
That’s okay! We will help you figure this out and will make sure while doing so, that you’re making decisions based on what your heart really wants for you, not just your head. This way you’ll get to wake up every day doing what you love, not just what you think you “should” do. Your target market may shift and evolve throughout your business. That’s okay too - it’s totally normal!
What if I have clients, just not consistently?
Congrats! That means you know how to get results for people and have some great offers. We’ll help you optimize what you have so that you break the feast or famine cycle and never have to wonder where the next client is coming from. We’ll help you tighten up your systems and strategies quickly so you can move out of the 1:1 model and into a group program quickly. 
Will I get more clients?
If you do the work, and do it well, absolutely! We’ve seen our course participants get clients in a matter of just days after starting the course. Success only comes from taking personal responsibility though, so you need to be serious about the course and do the work. Don’t let this become just another course you don’t finish.
I struggle to put myself out there, will this help me?
Absolutely! You’ll love the energy work and mindset tools that you’ll learn. You’ll learn how to keep yourself in a high vibration so that those low-vibes of self-doubt become a thing of the past.
I've joined so many programs before with no results. How is this different?
Find Your Flow is the only program you’ll find designed for female coaches to radically accelerate business growth and profits with a soul-aligned and sustainable approach.  
Closing arguments. Summarize the great results,
offer, bonuses, and guarantee. Last reminder of scarcity.
What other women have asked before accelerating their success & multiplying their profits in Find Your Flow™
I've been in business for awhile, will this work for me?
Yes, absolutely! Even if you have experience getting clients, this course will help you! You will fine tune your offers, create compelling messaging that helps you stand out from the crowd, and finally quiet that inner critic. You’ll create serious momentum in your business in just a few short weeks.
I’m brand new to business, will this work for me?
Yes! Don’t you want to get started on the right track? With this course you’ll avoid so many pitfalls that new business owners make, which will save you time, energy, and money in the long run.
I’m not great with technology, will I be able to navigate the course?
Thanks to my deep expertise as an educator, I know how to make sure that materials and content are accessible to everyone. We use a very user friendly platform that even the most techno-phobic can manage with ease. 
Will I get more clients?
If you do the work, and do it well, absolutely! We’ve seen our course participants get clients in a matter of just days after starting the course. Success only comes from taking personal responsibility though, so you need to be serious about the course and do the work. Don’t let this become just another course you don’t finish.
I struggle to put myself out there, will this help me?
Absolutely! You’ll love the energy work and mindset tools that you’ll learn. You’ll learn how to keep yourself in a high vibration so that those low-vibes of self-doubt become a thing of the past.
I've joined so many programs before with no results. How is this different?
Find Your Flow is the only program you’ll find designed for female coaches to radically accelerate business growth and profits with a soul-aligned and sustainable approach.  
Closing arguments. Summarize the great results,
offer, bonuses, and guarantee. Last reminder of scarcity.

1. I've been in business for awhile, will this work for me?

Yes, absolutely! Even if you have experience getting clients, this course will help you! You will fine tune your offers, create compelling messaging that helps you stand out from the crowd, and finally quiet that inner critic. You’ll create serious momentum in your business in just a few short weeks.

2. I’m brand new to business, will this work for me?

Yes! Don’t you want to get started on the right track? With this course you’ll avoid so many pitfalls that new business owners make, which will save you time, energy, and money in the long run.

3. I’m not great with technology, will I be able to navigate the course?

Thanks to my deep expertise as an educator, I know how to make sure that materials and content are accessible to everyone. We use a very user friendly platform that even the most techno-phobic can manage with ease. 

4. Will I get more clients?

If you do the work, and do it well, absolutely! We’ve seen our course participants get clients in a matter of just days after starting the course. Success only comes from taking personal responsibility though, so you need to be serious about the course and do the work. Don’t let this become just another course you don’t finish.

5. I struggle to put myself out there, will this help me?

Absolutely! You’ll love the energy work and mindset tools that you’ll learn. You’ll learn how to keep yourself in a high vibration so that those low-vibes of self-doubt become a thing of the past.